
Brownfields Program

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The City of Stockton’s brownfields redevelopment projects have cleaned up idle properties around the City, created jobs and public gather spaces, encouraged economic growth, and revitalized communities through partnerships with regional government, industry, community, and nonprofit organizations.

North Shore Area-Wide Plan 

The City of Stockton, through the use of a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has initiated an Area-Wide Plan to identify brownfields, explore property conditions, and define revitalization strategies in Stockton’s North Shore waterfront. The goal is to identify a series of strategies that would entice reinvestment through adaptive reuse of the community’s existing buildings, and infill development projects on underutilized properties.

With the help of the City’s brownfields environmental consultant, Stantec, a StoryMap has been developed to highlight the Plan and solicit community feedback on revitalization concepts for the North Shore.

Review the StoryMap of the North Shore

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What are Brownfields?

Brownfield sites are sites where actual or perceived environmental contamination complicates or prevents the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of the property. Examples of brownfields include real estate that has been used for:

  • Gas and service stations
  • Auto repair shops
  • Dry cleaners
  • Industrial and chemical uses
  • Landfills

Stockton’s Brownfields History

Beginning in 1996, the Stockton Redevelopment Agency worked to clean up and redevelop contaminated properties on the Stockton Waterfront. In 2008, the Stockton Redevelopment Agency won the prestigious EPA Phoenix Award for excellence in Brownfields redevelopment for the Stockton Events Center, placing the city in the national spotlight as a leader in Brownfields redevelopment.

The award-winning work revitalized the North Shore of the Stockton downtown waterfront and saw the construction of the Stockton Arena and Garage, Banner Island Ballpark, and the Waterfront Plaza Hotel among other improvements. More about this historical work can be found in the Report of Known Environmental Conditions, an environmental document that includes information identified during the initial and supplemental pilot brownfields projects (1996-2005) and other projects in the waterfront area (e.g., Stockton Events Center) funded with EPA grant and Agency funds.

In February 2016, the City of Stockton executed an Environmental Oversight Agreement (EOA) to take a lead agency role in resolving the blighted conditions at the former Colberg Boat Works Site on the Stockton Channel. This EOA is one of the first agreements of its kind, placing the City of Stockton once again in the national spotlight for brownfields leadership.    

EPA Assessment Coalition Grant Award (2018-2023)

In Spring 2018, the EPA selected a local coalition, led by the City of Stockton with the San Joaquin Council of Governments as a partner, to receive a $600,000 grant to assist with assessing clean-up required for redevelopment in areas identified as brownfields.

Assessment activities will continue to focus on the City's downtown and waterfront. The grant award is split evenly between evaluating sites with hazardous substances and petroleum contamination; it will be used to conduct six preliminary (Phase I) and five advanced (Phase II) environmental site assessments and to prepare an area-wide plan and three site-specific plans. Grant funds also will be used to update the site inventory, prioritize sites, and support community outreach activities.

What You Can Do

  • Stay informed: Follow the City of Stockton on social media and subscribe to the Economic Development Department’s newsletter for updates about the City's brownfields program.
  • Partner with us: Federal brownfields funding is awarded via a competitive grant process. To be successful, we need your letters of support, list of sites to asses, and workforce training and hiring needs. Please contact the Economic Development Department if your organization is interested in partnering on these types of projects.
  • Tell us what you think: Questions about a possible brownfield in your neighborhood? Suggestion or comment to share about the Brownfields project? Your input helps us make the best use of the opportunities provided by grant funding.

External Links

Stockton Brownsfields
California Department of Toxic Substance Control Brownfields Website
CALED Brownfields & Land Revitalization FAQs
US Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Website

Last Update : 12/14/2023, 9:58:42 AM