
Animal Related Complaints

Submit Complaint Online

To avoid the longer than normal wait times via our phone system, please submit any animal related complaints online at your convenience, by clicking the link below and selecting the "Animals - other" option under the "Animals" drop down.  Our animal services staff will correspond & confirm receipt of complaint upon receiving it.

Submit A Report Online
Ask Stockton

The City of Stockton's animal services agency is dedicated to efficiently and compassionately handling animal-related complaints within the community. When residents encounter issues such as stray or aggressive animals, noise disturbances, or concerns about animal welfare, they can contact our agency through various channels, including a dedicated hotline, email, or in-person visits. Our department places a strong emphasis on public education and awareness, aiming to proactively prevent issues through community outreach and resources that promote responsible pet ownership.

Upon receiving a complaint, our animal services team promptly dispatches trained animal control officers to investigate the situation. These officers are equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios, from reuniting lost pets with their owners to addressing instances of animal neglect or abuse. They also have the authority to enforce local animal ordinances and, when necessary, to issue citations or impound animals for the safety and welfare of both the animals and the community. Additionally, our agency maintains partnerships with local animal shelters and rescue organizations, facilitating the rehabilitation and rehoming of animals in need.

The City of Stockton Animal Services operates with the overarching goal of promoting the well-being of both animals and residents. Their responsive approach, dedication to community engagement, and collaboration with other animal welfare organizations make them an essential resource in ensuring a harmonious and safe coexistence between humans and animals within the city.

Types of Complaints We Respond To:

  • Animal Abuse/Neglect
  • Animal Abandonment
  • Animal Bite Cases
  • Aggressive Animals
  • Injured or Sick Strays
  • Animals At Large
  • Nuisance Barking/Animal Noise
  • Unsanitary Disposal of Animal Feces
  • Rooster Complaints
  • Deceased Animals
  • And Much More...

Learn More About Our Local Animal Laws:

Escalated Animal Noise/Barking Complaints

If a barking/animal noise complaint has already been filed against a specific property/address and this issue still persists; please download (clicking button below), review, completely fill and sign our formal noise packet. Upon completion please email it to , and include the address where the noise is emitting from.


Last Update : 03/20/2024, 10:45:08 AM